
Dorset Art Weeks 2016 Open Studio & Exhibition…

Well I’m not freaking out at all. Much. No really I’m quite chilled for my first major exhibition in years, and I’m not in the slightest bit ready! No that’s a barefaced lie…I’ve done loads of work, hanging work, making new work, finishing old work, totally diverting my attention from any work and generally sidetracking into cleaning the house from top to bottom. You know…Work…Avoidance….. The general everyday kind of avoidance that helps to build up tension so that at the last minute you are racing round like a blue bottle on amphetamine. Well what can I say? I’m used to it, and anyway, the science now states unequivocally that procrastination is good for you. It’s true. Just search YouTube!

life drawing
Sophie by Phoebe Thomasson

Anyway, there is so much to do but I feel kind of serene because I have at least found out that if I just keep on going from one thing to the next, things actually get done. It’s fearing that you can’t do it all that messes with your head. Now if you know for certain that you can’t do it all…that’s a far better ground from which to work so my motto is…

Why wait for tomorrow? You can’t do everything, so don’t do everything today!

Hehe. If you like my style then do visit www.phoebethomasson.com for more quirky writing, poetry and other great content…many thanks for taking time out.

May the muse be with you…always. x

UV reactive painting
It glows when the lights are out and under UV light

The View From The Studio Door

One last thing! Here’s a great book recommendation for you to give you an inside view about being an artist. If you are one already it really helps to identify certain traits and characteristics of the creative life, and the creatives who live them which is always reassuring, especially if you are starting out and are self-taught like me or isolated from other artistic types. If you want to be more creative then it will help to demystify the whole thing. A good idea if you ask me. Too much mystery breeds contempt so come and visit my studio door this May to get the low down on the life of a real ‘artistic’ artist! me.


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